Questions, concerning the exploitation of the video slot machine:
1. The video slot machine does not start:
- Check if the power supply is on
- Check the cable from the power supply to the PCB
- Contact the technical support department
2. The screen of the video slot machine is out of order:
- Check the power cable from the screen
- Check the POWER button on the screen
- Check if the lead indicator on the screen is lighting
- Check if the lead in the PCB is lighting
- Contact the technical support department
3. The sensor panel on the screen does not work:
- Check the cable from the power supply
- Check if the USB cable from the PCB is plugged in properly
- Check the calibration from the main game menu
- Contact the technical support department
4. The sound system is out of order:
- Check the cable from the power supply to the sound system
- Check the POWER button of the sound amplifier
- Check if the cable is plugged properly into the PCB
- Check the sound settings in the main game menu
- Check the settings on the remote control for "MUTE" activated function
5. Some of the buttons on the video slot machine do not work:
- Check the lead indication of the power supply + 12v
- Check the light indication of the KBD
- Check the connecting cable to the PCB
- Contact the technical support department
6. The back lamps of the glass do not work:
- Check the lead indication of the power supply + 12v
- Check the connectors to the power cables
- Contact the technical support department
Questions, concerning the communications of the video slot machine:
1. NO NETWORK sign on the screen of the video slot machine:
- Check if the Jackpot server is on
- Check if the green cable is plugged in properly
- Check the connecting cables between the video slot machines
- Check the communication settings in the main game menu of the video slot machine for doubling the address
- Contact the technical support department